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New Travlaw Partnership - FREE Confidential Helpline

Updated: Aug 29, 2020

The Association of Women Travel Executives (AWTE) has today announced today a new partnership for 2020 with Travlaw.

Through this new partnership, the AWTE is providing a FREE legal helpline for all AWTE members, providing access to a complimentary, confidential, 30-minute legal consultation, ensuring all members have access to legal HR advice at no additional cost.

Here are some further details for you around how the new partnership will work for you, our members;

The phone number to call: 0113 258 0033

The reference to give: Simply advise you are calling under AWTE Helpline

What preparation do I need before the call?

Knowledge of your query is all that is needed. If more information is necessary you will be asked for this on the call.

What if 30 minutes isn’t long enough?

Hopefully Travlaw will be able to answer and discuss your query within the 30 minute slot. If the matter is more complicated and further work or advice is required, this will be discussed with you on the call along with your options moving forward.

What are the rates if I need more than 30 mins or further advice?

This is something that can be discussed with each member on an individual basis, as it will very much depend on the work involved and how much assistance is required. If a member does wish to proceed in working with Travlaw further, you will be sent the Terms of Business which will contain all necessary information, including charge out rates.

Is there a limit to the number of times I can use the number?

There is no official ‘limit’ on the number of times any one member can call, however the Helpline is subject to a ‘Fair Use’ policy. To give some guidelines if a member is calling 2 or 3 times a month for 30 minutes free advice each time, this falls outside of the Free Helpline and standard hourly rates will be applied.

Is all information confidential?

100% yes, No one except Travlaw will be aware that you have called or what advice you have been given. The AWTE does not have any access to any of the information.

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